2019 is not messing around guys! On Saturday all the dominoes fell and it was finally time for me to resign from my sales job. If you know me, I had been debating leaving for quite some time but it never felt like the RIGHT time. I had very little cushion or idea of what was next. But Saturday forced me to go all in and make a plan, and fast! Which inspired me to make this post! By now I have a very specific strategy for navigating dark times and I want to share it because I have a feeling I’m not the only one going through it right now. Warning: this gets woo woo real quick but that’s just who I am *shrug*
1) I ride out my emotional wave – this may be THE most important part. In Human Design, I have what’s called emotional authority. In a nutshell, this means that for me there is no truth in the now. My emotions are not reality, so I need to wait until I ride out the emotional highs and lows before taking any sort of action (find your authority on mybodygraph.com). I sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.
2) If I still feel the same in the morning, I consult the tarot. Tarot cards are best pulled from an emotionally balanced state. I pulled a card on the situation and also had Em (shoutout to my girlfriend) pull me a card. Both cards were like – yeah girl GET OUT now – you’ve learned what you need to learn and now it’s time to leave the nest!
3) I go inward – I give myself time to journal things out to gain clarity on what I want from the situation and what the best way to move forward is.
4) I take action and look for flow – now that I have clarity on the situation, I take appropriate action. In this case, it was sending in my resignation. As for what’s next? I look for flow instead of forcing things. All of a sudden, people started asking me about human design and asking for readings and so I took the leap and opened up readings! I also reach out to my community for help and guidance and see what comes.
5) I utilize homeopathy and flower essences! These do the trick to get me out of even the biggest funk and help me to see things from a higher perspective.
In the end, you’ve gotta be serious about taking things lightly and just enjoy the journey! I’d love to hear from you – how do you navigate dark times? What have you learned along the way?
Hi, firstly thsnkbyou for sharing. Secondly I’m in the some boat. I am a reflector and I have worked through many moon cycles to know NOW is the time to get new work. I have no authority, and still learning about this. But now that I’ve made the descion & it FEELS right – I’m at a lose at WHAT I want to do next. Wish me luck.
Hi Jody! I believe that for any type that doesn’t have their throat center connected to a motor center, the best strategy is to WAIT for life to come to you. If you look back on your life, you’ll see that the best, most kismet things came to you – no initiating necessary. I know this can be particularly uncomfortable when it comes to money/job, but spend time being in your bliss and doing things you know make you happy and you’ll attract the right things much faster. It can also be helpful to dive into your incarnation cross – either through a reading or internet digging 🙂 that is what describes your “souls purpose / life theme” and will give you a good idea of what to do next!